Keezha Nelli: it is also called as Phyllanthus Nururui.
Phyllanthus Nururui grows throughout the hotter parts of India. It is native to Central Asia; it belongs to the family of Euphorbiaceous. It grows along the bunds and ridges in cultivated fields. The plant grows to a height of 15-60 cm. The leaves are small, close to each other, arranged in two rows so that the branches resemble compound leaves. The plant bears tiny fruits underneath the leaves. If you pull out a Phyllanthus Nururui plant along with roots and hold it up side down, you can see the small berries tucked underneath the leaves. That’s why in Tamil it is called as Keezha (bottom) Nelli (kind of fruit or berry)
Keezha Nelli cures disease like jaundice, Stomach pain, Urinary diseases, over heat, period problem, skin disease. And new research on this herb proves that, it can cure cancer and reduce sugar content in our blood. It also takes care of the effective functioning of Liver.
Keezha Nelli contains Hypophyllanthin, which is toxic for fishes and frogs, but not for humans.
Keezha Nelli inhibits the growth and proliferation of the virus (anti hepatitis B) and also affects the replication of their genetic material! The Phyllanthus Nururui exactly blocks the DNA polymerase, an active enzyme, which is very important for both Hepatitis B & C virus to reproduce.
How to use this and for what disease:
While using this herb, the usage of Tamarind, Fat, chilies, and pepper should not be taken. Only fatless curd Rice is recommended. Smoking must be strictly stopped.
For Jaundice:
Take Keezha Nelli, Karisalankanni, Thumbai, Ponnanganni, cumin in equal proportion and grind to paste with some milk. Take some paste (Amla Sized), mix it with a cup of milk and drink it morning and evening for 7 days.
For Anemia:
Take Keezha Nelli, Karisalankanni in equal proportion and grind to paste. Add Amla Sized ball of the paste in a cup of milk and drink.
For head ache, cold, sinus problems:
Juice of this herb and juice of Acalypha Indica (Indian acalypha – Kuppaimeni in Tamil) are mixed together. Blend with equal part of gingelly oil. Heat on slow fire. Let cool and instill in to nostribs.
For menstruation and Uterus problems of women:
Take equal parts of roots of phyllanthus Nruri, saraca asoca (Ashoka), Ficus Glomavata (country fig), dry and powder. Store this powder in an air – tight bottle. For menstruation and Uterus problems of women, this powder has to be taken in dosage of one teaspoon, with warm water, twice a day for 20 to 40 days.
For Tooth ache:
Take few Keezha Nelli leaves and chew it like bubble gum. Try to spread the juice throughout the gums So that tooth ache can be controlled.
For Cold:
Take Keezha Nelli powder and Karisalankanni powder in equal proportion and mix it with Honey and eat it. This also reduces Anemia and Increases Blood flow.
For Scabies, Psoriasis:
Prepare a paste with Keezha Nelli and Turmeric powder. Apply the paste in the affected area and wait for an hour and then take bath. Do this for few days, you can see the difference.
Another Very Simple Method for tasting Keezha Nelli:
Take a cup of butter milk and mix Keezha Nelli with it and drink it.
Special Research is done on this Keezha Nelli and Cures for many diseases are discovered.(If you are interested about the research, go and check out in Science Direct pages) My mom used to make Keezha Nelli recipes. She does not know how much research is going on about her recipe. When I told her about the research programs… She told “Food is your Medicine. Medicine should not be your food…”…
She was my inspiration to write this blog, you can expect similar post in future.
So Enjoy your Food. Eat natural and Stay healthy.
With Regards